Olympian Challenger is another book review I have for you today thanks to NetGalley. Mythology is one of my favorite things. I was so excited to read this book.
Olympian Challenger by Astrid Arditi is a more grown-up version of Percy Jackson, bringing the Gods into the present.
After receiving a mysterious invitation, Hope Diaz finds herself on Mount Olympus competing to become the God’s new hero and get the wish promised to the winner.
Hope’s goodness shines through her darkest moments. (Hades is involved, so there’s going to be some darkness.) You can’t help but like her. Hope struggles to stay true to herself and not get caught up in the game. She bonds with Amy and Gabriel. Their interactions were both endearing and hilarious. Amy and Hope are so different, but they help balance each other. Gabriel’s temperament is closer to Hopes, but he has issues of his own. My favorite conversations involved Hope and Kieron, the dark mysterious God she’s drawn to. There was an instant attraction, but their relationship evolved with the story instead of jumping straight to being in “love.” The relationships are all well written.
The author’s description of Mount Olympus was amazing. There was just the right amount of detail that makes you feel like you’ve gone to Olympus and drank ambrosia with the Gods. Olympian Challenger was so sweet and action packed I can’t wait to read the next book!
Available July 3, 2018. Preorder on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2Quphlv
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