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The Nocturnals Preview

The Nocturnals, is a book I’ve been working on way longer than I’m going to admit. Enjoy the first chapter. (This is just a first draft, there are typos, and this version may not make it to the actual book.) “’Leave the flamethrower at home,’ you said. ‘We won’t need … Continue reading

Wild Hunger (An Heirs of Chicagoland Novel) Review

The Chicagoland crew is back, sort of. Wild Hunger by Chloe Neill picks up the story of Ethan and Merit Sullivan’s daughter Elisa, the first and only born vampire. She’s strong and witty, without being a carbon copy of Merit. The tie to the sword was a cool surprise, but … Continue reading

Top 10 Most Anticipated Books of 2014

At the end of the year we all take a moment to reflect on the year before and look to the year ahead. As corny as it sounds, I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching trying to understand myself and my ambitions. I was going through some rough stuff … Continue reading